When you choose Kingdom Technology Partners, our partnership with your church or organization becomes an accountable, trusted, and loyal member of your team. Not only will you be glad you reached out to us and we’ll be glad we were able to help you build to advance the Kingdom.
There are many ways to reach us:
Our website: www.kingdomtechpartners.com/contact
Office Phone: (844) 587-4636 (KTP-INFO)
Mailing Address: PO Box 303, Monrovia, MD 21770
Our Emails:
Sales- sales@kingdomtechpartners.com
Technical Support- techsupport@kingdomtechpartners.com
Messaging and Inquiries- info@kingdomtechpartners.com
Pete Guyette, Owner- pete@kingdomtechpartners.com
Lori Guyette, Admin Coordinator- lori@kingdomtechpartners.com
Matt Walters, Project Coordinator- matt@kingdomtechpartners.com